All who persistently and sincerely seek God find Him. He leads, teaches, and corrects all who follow Him.

All who persistently and sincerely seek God find Him. He leads, teaches, and corrects all who follow Him.

All who persistently and sincerely seek God find Him. He leads, teaches, and corrects all who follow Him.

FREE Book: “Exposing the Real Creation-Evolution Debate”

FREE: 3-Month Transformation homeschool

FREE: 3-Month Transformation

If you listen to the false prophets and false teachers (scientists, politicians, media personalities, theologians, philosophers, and scholars), they are likely to influence your view of the world. They want to influence you, but that’s not all. They also want to control the way you think about reality. They want to form a fake-reality within you. They want to dictate morality to you. They will likely influence your morality if you listen to them. If you allow Hollywood to influence your morality, you will be immoral. They are experts at psychological operations and mass brainwashing. If you give yourself to ungodly music, you will be immoral.  If you allow the godless news programs to influence your morality, you will be immoral. If you allow ungodly scholars and experts to influence you, you will be immoral.

True righteousness is a gift from God. You can only walk in righteousness as you stand in God’s presence listening to His voice and yielding to His Spirit and allow Him to say His words and do His acts through you. All who persistently and sincerely seek Him find Him. He leads, teaches, and corrects all who follow Him.

#SonsOfGod #SpiritualTransformation #HearingGodsVoice #KingdomManifestation


Most scientists, politicians, media personalities, theologians, philosophers, and scholars have strong opinions

Most scientists, politicians, media personalities, theologians, philosophers, and scholars have strong opinions

Most scientists, politicians, media personalities, theologians, philosophers, and scholars have strong opinions

FREE Book: “Your Metamorphosis”

FREE: 3-Month Transformation

FREE: 3-Month Transformation homeschool

Morality is just one part of life. God is shaking every part of your life. God has been shaking everything. God is shaking all the so-called authorities and voices you trusted, and He’s exposing their corruption. You have a sense God is going to continue to expose the false prophets and false teachers of this age who proclaim lies from their newsrooms and classrooms.

You see the newsrooms and universities falling from their high perches as God shakes their trees. You see scientists and teachers promoting ideas so insane they lose all credibility with anyone who has a hint of wisdom or understanding. God is exposing these and other false prophets and false teachers so you have the chance to choose. You have a choice. You can either love the lies or reject and expose the lies. You can choose the truth.

And yet, many people are still following these false prophets and false teachers. The false prophets and teachers are drawing them in. And those who follow the lies enjoy it. They like it that way. They want to follow the false prophets and false teachers.

Look who they’re following. Most scientists, politicians, media personalities, theologians, philosophers, and scholars have strong opinions about topics when they know little or nothing about those topics. And yet, thousands or millions want to follow them if they’re celebrities or authorities. It’s as if those following the false prophets and false teachers are blind and can’t see. They’re in darkness. They love darkness rather than the Light. They hate the Light and turn away from it.


Without truth, they have no real morality, integrity, knowledge, purpose, or meaning.

Without truth, they have no real morality, integrity, knowledge, purpose, or meaning.

Without truth, they have no real morality, integrity, knowledge, purpose, or meaning.

FREE Book: “How to Walk in God’s Glory”

FREE: B3-Month Transformation homeschool

FREE: 3-Month Transformation


Each moralizer draws a line in the sand and says, “I’m a moral person and I won’t cross this line.” And yet, it’s just a line in the sand. Moralizers look at all the possible evil acts. Then, each moralizer claims certain evil acts are “OK.” Others are “not OK.” That’s the line in the sand. And yet, under certain conditions, any ungodly thinker can move his or her line in the sand. Ungodly thinkers can move the lines because they drew the lines in the first place. They based their lines in the sand on foundations like these:

  • Emotions
  • random thoughts
  • peer pressure
  • inner paradigms
  • interpretations of past experiences
  • interpretations of observations
  • interpretations of the Bible
  • ideas they were taught
  • other changeable thinking

Their lines are arbitrary and moveable, so you can never pin them down. Without truth, they have no real morality, integrity, knowledge, purpose, or meaning. Without truth, their entire world is shakable. They have nothing solid.


Everyone has an internal fake-morality. It’s not real.

Everyone has an internal fake-morality. It’s not real.

Everyone has an internal fake-morality. It’s not real.

FREE Book: “The Nuts and Bolts of Being Rational”

FREE: 3-Month Transformation

FREE: 3-Month Transformation homeschool

Once truth is gone, reason can justify anything. Here’s how the insanity works with morality. Everyone has an internal fake-morality. It’s not real. It’s contrived, but each person’s fake-morality feels real to that person. Sometimes, through peer pressure and groupthink, a clique of people will share certain elements of a common fake-morality. However, their group-held fake-morality is also fake. It’s artificial. Groupthink can limit you. Groupthink limits most people in the world. They call it “common knowledge,” but it’s not knowledge of the truth. It’s just a fabrication a lot of people believe.

Rationalism is irrational. You make assumptions and rationalize to make those assumptions seem rational. Assumptions are never rational. Rationalism is a method of trying to make irrational thinking seem rational.

I’m not talking about everyone. I’m talking about those who think without God. I could call them godless thinkers. Godless thinkers use rationalizations to justify their fake-moralities. Godless thinkers may be religious, but they reason without God. You can reason by rationalizing, but you aren’t sane if you rationalize. If you rationalize, your reasoning is irrational. If you rationalize, you use fallacies to make irrational thinking appear rational. That’s why people disagree about morality.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:4-5 Jesus Christ is the Truth.

#SonsOfGod, #SpiritualTransformation, #HearingGodsVoice, or #KingdomManifestation


Without truth, there is no morality

Without truth, there is no morality

Without truth, there is no morality

FREE Book: “Encyclopedia of Logical Fallacies”

FREE: 3-Month Transformation homeschool

FREE: 3-Month Transformation

The train of logic leaves the track of truth with the first assumption.

So that’s why the world has gotten to where it is. Is there anywhere you can go to get the truth? You catch the news media lying to you repeatedly. They twist the truth and make your head spin. The schools let you down. Theologians disagree about how to interpret the Bible. Scientists disagree about how to interpret the observations. You hear so many conflicting stories all around you that you don’t know which liar to believe.

Without truth, real knowledge can’t exist. You just hear liars parroting meaningless memorized sayings and opinions. Without truth, there is no morality. Without truth, you can’t have ethics. Without truth, you have no purpose. Your life can have no meaning if there is no truth. Without truth, you have only emptiness and manipulation. Your life becomes a game with no right or wrong but only winners and losers. When the intellectuals removed truth from reason, they also destroyed sanity.

#SonsOfGod, #SpiritualTransformation, #HearingGodsVoice, or #KingdomManifestation


One hidden assumption: the train of logic leaves the track of truth

One hidden assumption: the train of logic leaves the track of truth

One hidden assumption: the train of logic leaves the track of truth

FREE Book: “Exposing the Real Creation-Evolution Debate”

FREE: 3-Month Transformation homeschool

FREE: 3-Month Transformation

The train of logic leaves the track of truth with the first assumption. Let me give you an illustration of how powerful assumptions are. If you allow me one assumption, I can use valid logical form to prove you don’t exist. Let’s assume you don’t exist.

You don’t exist.

Therefore, you don’t exist.

Do you want to prove anything else? The same process will work perfectly. If you want to prove God doesn’t exist, just use Naturalism and Materialism as axioms. Both of those assume God doesn’t exist. From there, your work is easy. Do you want to prove the Genesis Flood didn’t happen? Just assume Uniformitarianism. Uniformitarianism assumes the Genesis Flood didn’t happen. From there, your work is done.

Jesus is the Truth. In Him is hidden all knowledge and wisdom. You don’t need any assumptions. Assumptions lead to worthless opinions.

#SonsOfGod, #SpiritualTransformation, #HearingGodsVoice, or #KingdomManifestation


More people have accepted the “no-truth” fantasy now. And you’re just seeing the fruit of it.

More people have accepted the “no-truth” fantasy now. And you’re just seeing the fruit of it.

More people have accepted the “no-truth” fantasy now. And you’re just seeing the fruit of it.

FREE Book: “Your Metamorphosis”

FREE: 3-Month Transformation

FREE: 3-Month Transformation homeschool

Why is the World so Crazy?

When you think it can’t get crazier, it goes to a new level of insanity. Why is this happening?

It’s because that’s what happens when the culture removes truth. You started hearing the term “post-truth” around 2016, but the fall from truth happened long before that. It became popular with something called “postmodernism” around the 1970s. Relativism and skepticism go way back in time. However, it actually began when the serpent in the Garden of Eden asked, “Did God really say that?” More people have accepted the “no-truth” fantasy now. And you’re just seeing the fruit of it.

Here’s the problem. If you are going to think rationally, you must base your thinking on truth. Truth is absolute by definition. When the train of logic leaves the track of truth, it can go anywhere. It can dream up anything. ANYTHING!

What’s the answer? Truth! Jesus Christ is the Truth. In Him is hidden all knowledge and wisdom. He speaks to you through the Bible and every means of divine revelation found in the Bible.

The Nuts and Bolts of Being Rational


#SonsOfGod, #SpiritualTransformation, #HearingGodsVoice, or #KingdomManifestation


How can you know the truth

How can you know the truth?

How can you know the truth?

FREE Book: “How to Walk in God’s Glory”

FREE: B3-Month Transformation homeschool

FREE: 3-Month Transformation

How do you keep yourself from falling into the insanity you’re seeing all around you? How can you escape the deception? Have you ever wondered whether you’ve already been deceived and don’t know it? And how can you know the truth? Those are the questions. Knowing the answers to those questions will change your life.

Hint: The Truth is a Person Who knows all things and can’t lie.

#SonsOfGod, #SpiritualTransformation, #HearingGodsVoice, or #KingdomManifestation


God transfigures you from glory to glory by His Spirit as You Yield

God transfigures you from glory to glory by His Spirit as You Yield

God transfigures you from glory to glory by His Spirit as You Yield

FREE Book: “Real Faith & Reason, Volumes One, Two, and Three”

FREE: 3-Month Transformation

FREE: 3-Month Transformation homeschool

The Holy Spirit is forming Christ in you, and your fleshly nature loses control a little each time Christ’s Light grows brighter in you. Light overcomes darkness.

And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts(Galatians 5:24 KJV).

God transfigures you little by little from glory to glory by the Spirit of the Lord. Your part is to listen to His leading, teaching, and correction and yield to the power of His grace so He can say His words and do His acts through you. It’s that simple.


The Seed is God’s Word, Christ, so the Holy Spirit progressively forms Christ in you if you yield to Him.

The Seed is God’s Word, Christ, so the Holy Spirit progressively forms Christ in you if you yield to Him.

The Seed is God’s Word, Christ, so the Holy Spirit progressively forms Christ in you if you yield to Him.

Saturday’s FREE Book: “How God Will Transform You”

FREE: 3-Month Transformation homeschool

FREE: 3-Month Transformation

Since that Seed is God’s Word, which is Christ, the Holy Spirit is progressively forming Christ in you. That gradual growth will finish in the fullness of Christ in you and the end of the rebellious fleshly nature. When the work is complete, the Father will call you into a spiritual place of authority and power to rule and reign with Christ.

“My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you” (Galatians 4:19 KJV).

#SonsOfGod, #SpiritualTransformation, #HearingGodsVoice, or #KingdomManifestation
