I’ll assume that the from the existence of our universe, I can imply the existence of a creator. So, there is a God. How then, can we know anything about him?
I’ve found that revelation unfoldsĀ from one point of awakening to the next, an unfolding revelation. In fact, God reveals much about Himself through science, which is also unfolding revelation. That is to say, we don’t get to know everything at once, and what we do know is pitifully little in comparison to what could be known. Plus, many of the things that we think we know turn out to be untrue.
I have known someone who had a vision but added one little assumption to what God has said and came up with the wrong conclusion. God corrected this person later and showed how He had spoken the truth but the person had added an interpretation. It is very easy to have God speaking to you through Scripture and to add to God’s utterances, creating error. Of course, it’s even easier to create error by adding to the utterances of God which He gives by observation–scientific method.
Assumptions, made-up stories, irrational thinking, and outright lies are a universal human problem, and that makes it difficult. But that is exactly the point of the battle–to discover reality and leave the lies behind. So, we need to hold on to the things that we think that we know so that the Holy Spirit can continually correct us in the areas where we are wrong. This is why humility is so important.”
I would like to mention one thing that I have noticed. I hope you don’t mind. It seems that the problem is never really about whether a person believes that Christ is or that God is. It is usually that people know what the commitment to Christ would mean in terms of lifestyle changes and coming into conformity with His righteousness, holiness, and redemption. You might ask yourself whether or not that is the case with you. That’s just something to think about. Perhaps the Holy Spirit may bring that to your memory from time to time.