All who persistently and sincerely seek God find Him. He leads, teaches, and corrects all who follow Him.
FREE Book: “Exposing the Real Creation-Evolution Debate”
FREE: 3-Month Transformation homeschool
FREE: 3-Month Transformation
If you listen to the false prophets and false teachers (scientists, politicians, media personalities, theologians, philosophers, and scholars), they are likely to influence your view of the world. They want to influence you, but that’s not all. They also want to control the way you think about reality. They want to form a fake-reality within you. They want to dictate morality to you. They will likely influence your morality if you listen to them. If you allow Hollywood to influence your morality, you will be immoral. They are experts at psychological operations and mass brainwashing. If you give yourself to ungodly music, you will be immoral. If you allow the godless news programs to influence your morality, you will be immoral. If you allow ungodly scholars and experts to influence you, you will be immoral.
True righteousness is a gift from God. You can only walk in righteousness as you stand in God’s presence listening to His voice and yielding to His Spirit and allow Him to say His words and do His acts through you. All who persistently and sincerely seek Him find Him. He leads, teaches, and corrects all who follow Him.
#SonsOfGod #SpiritualTransformation #HearingGodsVoice #KingdomManifestation