FAITH: you can not work it up
FREE Book: “How to Walk in God’s Glory”
FREE: By Grace through Faith 3-Month Transformation for homeschool
FREE: By Grace through Faith 3-Month Transformation
FAITH: “…you can not generate it; you can not work it up; you can not manufacture it. It is imparted and infused by God Himself. You can not sit in your homes and struggle to have faith, and affirm that something is; nor can you turn your hope and desire into faith by your own power. The only place you can get it is from the Lord,” Charles S. Price, The Real Faith
Dr. Price goes on to talk about “unscriptural mental and intellectual gyrations in our attempt to find a faith we do not possess.” Then He says this:
“Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by a Word of God. Let Jesus speak to this heart of mine and doubts will take the wings of the morning and fly away. Let Jesus breathe a little Word to this poor mind of mine … That is how faith comes! Not through the channels of human concepts. Not along the paths of human understandings. Not by the abilities of minds to comprehend, or the power of the intellect to affirm. … One little Word from Jesus is worth all the words in a dictionary of human language.” Charles S. Price, The Real Faith