By Grace through Faith for Homeschoolers

By Grace through Faith for Homeschoolers

By Grace through Faith for Homeschoolers

Welcome to your transformative journey by grace through faith. Here’s what you can expect from this course:

The classes will be informal and friendly. Rather forcing students to memorize canned answers, this journey teaches the students how to find the answers. The lessons encourage the students to think and seek God. The teacher or parent is there as a coach and mentor.

There are 188 lessons, which could be divided into a single year, two years, or four years. Each unit adds an additional element to those 188 since each of the 15 units begins with an article. That means you have 15 articles in addition to 188 lessons.

The materials will be left in MS Word format so you can edit and adapt this course for your particular situation. Feel free to read ahead and add or remove elements as you like.


Jesus Christ: He’s the Light the Holy Spirit is intensifying in us.

Jesus Christ: He's the Light the Holy Spirit is intensifying in us.

Jesus Christ: He’s the Light the Holy Spirit is intensifying in us.

Wednesday’s Featured FREE Book: “Exposing the Real Creation-Evolution Debate”
Download it FREE here:

Pastors, teachers, and leaders, take a look at the new class about how to talk about Jesus without getting into arguments. We’ve been taught ways that don’t work. Because of the frustration of doing what doesn’t work, many Christians have just stopped trying to bring others to Christ. This is different.  Never be afraid to ask someone with a godless argument how they know. If what they say isn’t true, they can’t give you a rational answer. They expose the foolishness of the lie when they try to give a reason for the lie.

Christ is the Light the Holy Spirit is intensifying in us.
“A Light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel”
(Luke 2:32).

We also know God has called us to grow to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

“Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13 KJV).

You are children of Light if you continue to listen to the One Who IS Light and yield to His Spirit. The darkness won’t blind those who walk in the righteousness of Christ. Those who are walking in the Spirit don’t have to fear the judgments that God is bringing on the earth.

“For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of Light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober” (1 Thessalonians 5:2-6 KJV).

The Holy Spirit has been leading us toward a coming event the Bible calls “the manifestation of the sons of God.” As we have walked, the Holy Spirit has been transfiguring us: growing Christ in us while removing the fleshly veil.

Wednesday’s Featured FREE Book: “Exposing the Real Creation-Evolution Debate”
Download it FREE here:

Pastors, teachers, and leaders, take a look at the new class about how to talk about Jesus without getting into arguments. We’ve been taught ways that don’t work. Because of the frustration of doing what doesn’t work, many Christians have just stopped trying to bring others to Christ. This is different.  Never be afraid to ask someone with a godless argument how they know. If what they say isn’t true, they can’t give you a rational answer. They expose the foolishness of the lie when they try to give a reason for the lie.


Some will walk in the Light of Christ. Others walk in gross darkness.

Some will walk in the Light of Christ. Others walk in gross darkness.

Some will walk in the Light of Christ. Others walk in gross darkness.

Tuesday’s Featured FREE Book: “Your Metamorphosis”
Download it FREE here:

Pastors, teachers, and leaders, take a look at the new learning system about how to talk about Jesus without getting into arguments. We’ve been taught ways that don’t work. Because of the frustration of doing what doesn’t work, many Christians have just stopped trying to bring others to Christ. This is different. No lie can stand up to the Light.

“the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand; A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations” (Joel 2:1b-2 KJV).

At the same time, some will walk in the Light while others walk in gross darkness.

Everyone will see the visible glory of God in His people. Some will come to the Light just as some have always come to the Light. Others will run from the Light into darkness. And they will find darkness beyond what mankind has ever found.

Those who walk in the darkness will completely lose the distinction between right and wrong and between reality and make-believe.

Look around. Many have already lost that distinction.

Today, that contrast between Light and darkness has intensified beyond what we would have thought possible. God knows all about the current darkness of the world and the Light that’s beginning to rise in intensity in His called-out people.

We know Christ is that Light, and He lives within every person who’s born again. In the church, some are seeking to listen to God’s leading and yield to the Holy Spirit as never before. Others want nothing to do with the Holy Spirit of the leading of God. They go so far as to say, “God no longer leads anyone.” They want to do what they want to do. They are satisfied with a religion that strokes the ego, entertains the flesh, and stimulates the intellect.

Some Christians want everything to stay as it is. They want nothing to change. Of course, that’s an empty hope. We are at the time of decision-making now.

In our present condition, we haven’t fully conformed to the image and likeness of Christ. And we can’t be satisfied with that condition. The Holy Spirit wants to change us completely into the image of Christ. The forces of spiritual wickedness want to destroy humanity.

Tuesday’s Featured FREE Book: “Your Metamorphosis”

Download it FREE here:

Pastors, teachers, and leaders, take a look at the new learning system about how to talk about Jesus without getting into arguments. We’ve been taught ways that don’t work. Because of the frustration of doing what doesn’t work, many Christians have just stopped trying to bring others to Christ. This is different. No lie can stand up to the Light.


Those on the mountaintops experience Light, but thick darkness below.

Those on the mountaintops experience Light, but thick darkness below.

Those on the mountaintops experience Light, but thick darkness below.

Monday’s Featured FREE Book: “How to Walk in God’s Glory”
Download it FREE here:

Pastors, teachers, and leaders, take a look at the new roleplaying system about how to talk about Jesus without getting into arguments. We’ve been taught ways that don’t work. Because of the frustration of doing what doesn’t work, many Christians have just stopped trying to bring others to Christ. This is different. Never be afraid to ask someone with a godless argument how they know. If what they say isn’t true, they can’t give you a rational answer. They expose the foolishness of the lie when they try to give a reason for the lie.

Joel spoke of a day of darkness, but like morning on the mountaintops. Those on the mountaintops experience Light, but thick darkness below. May we live in the mountain tops in Christ where His Day is dawning.

“the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand; A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations” (Joel 2:1b-2 KJV).

Monday’s Featured FREE Book: “How to Walk in God’s Glory”
Download it FREE here:

Pastors, teachers, and leaders, take a look at the new roleplaying system about how to talk about Jesus without getting into arguments. We’ve been taught ways that don’t work. Because of the frustration of doing what doesn’t work, many Christians have just stopped trying to bring others to Christ. This is different. Never be afraid to ask someone with a godless argument how they know. If what they say isn’t true, they can’t give you a rational answer. They expose the foolishness of the lie when they try to give a reason for the lie.


God leads us. We either listen or we don’t. We yield to His Spirit or not.

God leads us. We either listen or we don’t. We yield to His Spirit or not.

God leads us. We either listen or we don’t. We yield to His Spirit or not.

Saturday’s Featured FREE Book: “How God Will Transform You”
Download it FREE here:

Pastors, teachers, and leaders, revitalize your church. Take a look at the series of sessions with roleplaying exercises to learn question-based conversational apologetics. We’ve been taught ways that don’t work. Because of the frustration of doing what doesn’t work, many Christians have just stopped trying to bring others to Christ. This is different. No canned pitches. Casual conversations. Bad ideas self-destruct in the daylight.

God leads us. We either listen or we don’t. We either yield to His Spirit or we don’t. Is that too simple? No. God’s ways are simple. The rationalizations of the fleshly mind try to complicate God‘s ways. When we struggle against temptations, sickness, injury, unforgiveness, depression, or any other symptom of the fleshly nature, we’re allowing our fleshly natures to take over the job of defeating the fleshly nature. That makes God’s ways seem complex, but God’s ways are simple. We don’t need to work to defeat the sinful flesh. We need only listen to God’s leading and yield to God’s Spirit. This article will speak of our high calling of sonship and how to walk God’s simple way without the fleshly nature tripping us.

Saturday’s Featured FREE Book: “How God Will Transform You”
Download it FREE here:

Pastors, teachers, and leaders, revitalize your church. Take a look at the series of sessions with roleplaying exercises to learn question-based conversational apologetics. We’ve been taught ways that don’t work. Because of the frustration of doing what doesn’t work, many Christians have just stopped trying to bring others to Christ. This is different. No canned pitches. Casual conversations. Bad ideas self-destruct in the daylight.


How do we walk into sonship?

How do we walk into sonship?

How do we walk into sonship?

FREE DOWNLOAD “Your Transformation Journey”

How do we walk into sonship? We follow where God leads us. What’s the alternative to following God? It’s doing what we want to do. We either follow God’s leading or we do what we want. God hasn’t provided a neutral position. We choose one or the other. No matter what we’re doing, we always make a decision one way or the other. If we follow God’s leading, we’re on the road to sonship. If not, we’re on a downward spiral.

Friday’s Featured FREE Book: “The Nuts and Bolts of Being Rational”
Download it FREE here:

Pastors, teachers, and leaders, can this work to bring life to your church? Could this grow your church and bring a new level of unity and maturity to your members? Take a look at the new class about how to talk about Jesus without getting into arguments. We’ve been taught ways that don’t work. Because of the frustration of doing what doesn’t work, many Christians have just stopped trying to bring others to Christ. This is different. Don’t fear to probe and listen. Lies self-destruct if you can get them to expose themselves.


The adoption the Bible mentions is Eastern adoption rather than Western adoption.

The adoption the Bible mentions is Eastern adoption rather than Western adoption.

The adoption the Bible mentions is Eastern adoption rather than Western adoption.

Thursday’s Featured FREE Book: “Encyclopedia of Logical Fallacies”
Download it FREE here:

Pastors, teachers, and leaders, can you imagine your church members springing into life and action for Christ? Take a look at the class for small group or homeschool to learn a new friendly form of apologetics. We’ve been taught ways that don’t work. Because of the frustration of doing what doesn’t work, many Christians have just stopped trying to bring others to Christ. This is different. No lie can stand up to the Light.

“For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading again to fear [of God’s judgment], but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons [the Spirit producing sonship]” (Romans 8:15a Amplified Bible).

Sonship has nothing to do with male or female. It’s about maturity in Christ. The adoption this verse mentions is Eastern adoption rather than Western adoption. In Western adoption, a family adds a child to their family who wasn’t born into their family. We aren’t adopted into God’s family that way. We must be born into God’s family. We must be born again by the flowing water of the Holy Spirit. Only born sons can experience Eastern adoption. In Eastern adoption, a child has come to a level of maturity where the father can give the child responsibility. God sets mature sons (and daughters) into positions of authority. We haven’t entered into the event the Bible calls “adoption” yet, but we wait for it with anticipation.

Thursday’s Featured FREE Book: “Encyclopedia of Logical Fallacies”
Download it FREE here:

Pastors, teachers, and leaders, can you imagine your church members springing into life and action for Christ? Take a look at the class for small group or homeschool to learn a new friendly form of apologetics. We’ve been taught ways that don’t work. Because of the frustration of doing what doesn’t work, many Christians have just stopped trying to bring others to Christ. This is different. No lie can stand up to the Light.


Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you and He will bring you into mature sonship.

Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you and He will bring you into mature sonship.

Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you and He will bring you into mature sonship.

“For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading again to fear [of God’s judgment], but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons [the Spirit producing sonship]” (Romans 8:15a Amplified Bible).



How do you overcome the enemy’s efforts to keep you from taking hold of it?

How do you overcome the enemy’s efforts to keep you from taking hold of it?

How do you overcome the enemy’s efforts to keep you from taking hold of it?

Tuesday’s Featured FREE Book: “Your Metamorphosis”
Download it FREE here:

Pastors, teachers, and leaders, take a look at the new learning system about how to talk about Jesus without getting into arguments. We’ve been taught ways that don’t work. Because of the frustration of doing what doesn’t work, many Christians have just stopped trying to bring others to Christ. This is different. No lie can stand up to the Light.

What is your high calling in Christ? How do you take hold of it? How do you overcome the enemy’s efforts to keep you from taking hold of it?

Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you. That will bring you into sonship.

Tuesday’s Featured FREE Book: “Your Metamorphosis”
Download it FREE here:

Pastors, teachers, and leaders, take a look at the new learning system about how to talk about Jesus without getting into arguments. We’ve been taught ways that don’t work. Because of the frustration of doing what doesn’t work, many Christians have just stopped trying to bring others to Christ. This is different. No lie can stand up to the Light.


Flow through me by Your Holy Spirit, Lord.

Flow through me by Your Holy Spirit, Lord.

Flow through me by Your Holy Spirit, Lord.

Monday’s Featured FREE Book: “How to Walk in God’s Glory”
Download it FREE here:

Pastors, teachers, and leaders, take a look at the new roleplaying system about how to talk about Jesus without getting into arguments. We’ve been taught ways that don’t work. Because of the frustration of doing what doesn’t work, many Christians have just stopped trying to bring others to Christ. This is different. Never be afraid to ask someone with a godless argument how they know. If what they say isn’t true, they can’t give you a rational answer. They expose the foolishness of the lie when they try to give a reason for the lie.

Flow through me by Your Holy Spirit. Teach me, transform me, and dwell in me. Be active and alive in me in Your power and glory. Do Your works through me. Say Your words through me. I hunger and thirst for Your righteousness.
(Quote from

You have to walk in the Spirit before it does you any good. You must listen carefully to God’s voice as He develops your ability to discern His voice. You must desire His will over your own will, and that will help you recognize His voice. And you must yield the members of your body to Him in willing submission. That’s what righteousness is.

Monday’s Featured FREE Book: “How to Walk in God’s Glory”
Download it FREE here:

Pastors, teachers, and leaders, take a look at the new roleplaying system about how to talk about Jesus without getting into arguments. We’ve been taught ways that don’t work. Because of the frustration of doing what doesn’t work, many Christians have just stopped trying to bring others to Christ. This is different. Never be afraid to ask someone with a godless argument how they know. If what they say isn’t true, they can’t give you a rational answer. They expose the foolishness of the lie when they try to give a reason for the lie.
