In Christ is hidden all knowledge. There is no other source. He even reveals Himself to those who refuse to acknowledge Him. If they know anything about anything, they only know this because God, in His mercy, has revealed it to them. Just as God supplies them with food, clothing, and breath, He supplies them with knowledge. He blesses those who curse Him.
Jesus said, “My sheep hear My Voice.” and “Whoever is on the side of truth listens to Me.” God speaks through the Bible in 1 Corinthians 12, saying that He isn’t like the mute idols that are incapable of articulate speech. He further states that no one speaking by the Holy Spirit can call Jesus accursed and that no one can say Jesus is Lord but by the Holy Spirit. Of course, prophecy is God speaking through His people. The testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of prophecy. True preaching is God speaking through His people, however, much of what is called “preaching” is not the same thing that the God tells us about through the Bible. But we are all commanded to speak as the oracles of God, that is, the very mouthpiece of God. The Gospel is not a naturalistic message. God is supernatural. He is not constrained by artificial limitations that certain theologians or Atheists try to put on Him.
Every person who follows Christ is led and taught by the Holy Spirit. There are no exceptions. The ways that the Holy Spirit leads and teaches are many and varied. Anyone who has not experienced this can experience it. All who seek Christ find Him. Ask Christ to pardon your hard-heartedness. Ask Him to give you a soft heart toward Him. Ask that He change your will so that you want to do His will. Ask Him to lead you and to guide you. Ask Him to be your Lord and your Master. If persistently do this with sincerity, you will find Him. He will lead and guide you. You’ll find yourself on the upward road to fullness in Him.
Revelational Apologetics versus Presuppositional Apologetics
It’s Not About Proving that God Exists
What God has Revealed is all we can Know
How Can We Know Anything About God?
A Word About Blogs and Revelational Apologetics