You may hear someone say that they don’t want to repent because they think life will become dull and boring.
In these types of discussions, don’t let Satan turn any discussion into a contest. Discuss without turning the other person into a loser or turning yourself into the winner.
Ask them why they think that life would be dull or why do they think that life would be boring? What are they doing now that is so much better in their eyes? Draw them out. Let them explain their position fully. Listen. When you hear their reasons, do not attack or accuse them. Pray for a word from God that you can say to them. The reality is that Christian witness has more to do with the flow of the Holy Spirit than with raw human reasoning (the reasoning of the human mind without the Intelligence of the Creator flowing through the human mind) and persuasion. God will not guide your words in the wrong direction. Stay in the flow of the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. Do not depend on your own understanding. Let God speak through you.
You will probably find that they think life will become dull and boring if they repent bacause they love darkness rather than light. They are lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. Also, they may never have really gotten to know a Christian who walks in the Spirit and may have a misunderstanding of what walking in the Spirit would be.
The life of walking in the Spirit is exciting and eventful. It is more exciting than roller coasters or video games. It brings more pleasure than anything that the world has to offer. Even in our day-to-day lives, flowing in the Anointing of the Holy Spirit moment by moment changes every experience into a wonderful, exciting experience. Christians who are bored are walking in the flesh, plain and simple.
There was a Christian couple who took their granddaughter on vacation. On this vacation, the granddaughter wanted to go see the movie, Avitar. While this movie used the Hindu terminology, it is a movie that gives the experience of neopaganism and pantheism and is based on evolutionistic assumptions found is so many cults. The grandfather mentioned this to his granddaughter who became immediately angry and accusative. The granddaughter accused her grandfather of being negative. The grandfather asked whether the granddaughter really believes that he was negative. She had to admit that her grandfather was full of joy, but she did not want to face the reality of what the film was. There is an interesting movie review here:
Fleshliness hardens the hearts of believers and non-believers alike. For non-believers, it makes them unreceptive to the gospel. Sin blinds their eyes. For believers, it makes them unreceptive to moving into a closer relationship to Jesus. Ungodly music hardens the heart. Un-biblical philosophy/theology, church and family orders, forms, and rituals all harden the heart. Addictions to entertainment harden the heart. Anger and bitterness hardens the heart. Not discerning the Body of Christ hardens the heart.
It has been said that the Kingdom costs you everything, but what it costs you is worth nothing. That it true. Forgiveness will cost you every grudge and bitterness that you carry. Purity will cost you your impurity. Spiritual church services will cost you entertainment church services or form and ritual church services. Your true gifts and calling will cost you all false gifts and callings.
So there is a reason that people reject. There is no good reason, but there is a reason.