An Example of How to Compare Lies to Truth

This is an actual example from a facebook posting by Ray Comfort. These are places where Atheist trolls hang out ready to attack. When over a dozen of them attack it once, it can be pretty scrambled, so you can’t let yourself be thrown off track by their many tactics. Seeing this example shows how you can keep yourself from being blown off course.

Because it becomes scrambled with many people posting at once, these postings have been put into a more sensible order so each of the many conversations can be followed more easily.

Bob: Every evidence for an old Earth or for evolution consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error.

Philip D: Natural erosion points to an old Earth, deep space pictures confirm an old universe, biology suggests an old Earth, as does geology and many other fields. [The truth is that the evidence points to a recent creation from nothing by an all-powerful God and that there was a catastrophic worldwide flood. However, bringing this up leads to a ridiculous debate that goes something like this: “Tis so!” “Tis not!” If you answer the fool this way, you will look like you are as much a fool as the fool is. You can mention it, but the point is that we believe because God speaks with us directly and this is what God says. It’s nice that He gave us physical evidence just like He showed doubting Thomas his wounds, but the Atheist cannot be convinced by evidence.] (some caveats about hearing God’s Voice)

Bob: Thank you for another great example of the fact that every evidence for an old Earth or for evolution consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. All these things also suggest a young Earth. The key word is, “suggest.” Followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error. That is revelation. It doesn’t suggest different things depending on your assumptions and stories. It is absolute.

Matthew T: Like magic man poofing things into existence is not a made-up story?

Matthew T: Sorry if you’re offended. But seriously, if you think that the science is wrong, please give evidence.

Bob: Thank you for providing the “revelation = a made-up story” story as another example of the fact that every evidence for an old Earth or for evolution consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error. That is the real evidence. The problems don’t arise in the observations. The problems arise in the filtering of the observations, the lies, the made-up stories, the arbitrary assumptions, and the irrational statements. If these are science, then science is not of much value. I personally think that science is a wonderful, God-given tool and that none of this flimflam is science.

Philip D: Bob’s starting to sound like an old record stuck on replay…someone call an ambulance

Bob: What a great example of an irrational statement–just one more example of the fact that every evidence for an old Earth or for evolution consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error.

Matthew T: Bob, how does Christ speak to you? Telepathy?

Bob: Christ speaks any way He wants to–many ways. Every Christian experiences this to the degree we are submitted to the Christ. There is a made-up story that tries to imply that we aren’t experiencing what we are experiencing, as irrational as such a story is. This is one more example of the fact that every evidence for an old Earth or for evolution consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error.

Philip D: “any way he wants to” – does he leave voicemail? Or perhaps a Facebook wallpost?

Matthew T: Whenever I ask Christians how they communicate with their God, they always brush the question off. They don’t communicate at all, they just infer things from the bible, or experience perhaps a rush of endorphins when they pray. Its not testable, and I don’t believe it.

Bob: Matthew, I can give you specifics of God’s leading from my life and the lives of others, but in a public forum it would be casting pearls before swine. The leading of God is a very personal thing, which is probably why you never got anything but vague answers. If you really do have an open mind, you can email me through Yet, my experience with closed-minded Atheists is that evidence has no effect on them. The are dogmatic over their beliefs in “not God” without any evidence except for made-up stories, outright lies, arbitrary assumptions, and irrational statements. Yet, when they are told of various incidents where God speaks and it is verified, they say something like, “There is a natural explanation for that,” as if naturalism were the default. Naturalism is one of the arbitrary assumptions and it is actually a lie. So, write if you like, but . . .

Rad A: Since you use a computer, you must accept that the physics of semi-conductor devices is correct. To think, at the same time, that the physics of radiometric dating is wrong, is stark raving bonkers.

Philip D: Was waiting for that very comment, Rad, bravo sir.

Bob: The radiometric dating circular reasoning. Every method for trying to figure out how old the Earth is involves circular reasoning. Arbitrary assumptions are made. Change the assumptions and you change the age of the Earth. There is more to this flimflam, but enough said. This radiometric dating scam is a very good example of the fact that every evidence for an old Earth or for evolution consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error.

Matthew T: Bob enlighten yourself please, it isn’t circular reasoning: A link was included to a bogus Atheist site. That link gave no real evidence that it is not circular reasoning, but it did make the claim that it was not circular reasoning. (read)(read)

Bob: All dating methods depend on arbitrary assumptions and circular reasoning and are another example of the fact that every evidence for an old Earth or for evolution consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error.

Matthew T: Yes Rick, here’s a whole list of speciations: [Note: The species idea has nothing at all to do with molecules-to-man evolution. Species are merely a loss of information from a group of living things because of close inbreeding. They don’t reflect any increase in information and they do not show any change from one kind of living thing to another kind of living thing.]

Matthew T: Anyways, I’ve gotta go, if you have more “disproofs” of evolution Bob, be sure to visit talkorigins

Matthew T: They’ve got an index of creationist claims.

Bob: Talkorigins is a place for those who love made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, outright lies, and irrational statements.

An Atheist made a statement about speciation but later removed the statement.

Bob: Using species (variations within kinds of living things) to prove macro-evolution is another example of the fact that every evidence for an old Earth or for evolution consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error. Read “Without Excuse” by Werner Gitt. [this was a response to a comment that was later removed by the author, but, not to fear, another Atheist takes up the weapon and leads the charge.]

Matthew T: Speciation over time will result in macro-evolution. This has been seen in the fossil record and by computer generated models. [Computer generated models are based on arbitrary assumptions. Addition of information to anything by natural means has never been observed. Information only comes from information. The fossil record shows no evidence at all of one kind of living thing evolving into another kind of living thing–it only shows variation within kinds. Kinds equate to something close to the family level.]

Bob: Matthew, The speciation-to-macro-evolution-against-all-the-evidence story is another example of the fact that every evidence for an old Earth or for evolution consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. The Scientific Laws of Universal Information blow your argument apart. Read “Without Excuse” by Werner Gitt to understand that no Universal Information is ever added to cells by random chance. Followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error. (See: Information Theory Part 1, Part 2,Part 3, Part 4. Here is another interesting article.) More is constantly being learned about information and about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Evolutionists tend to hide in the weeds of the unknown with an argument from ignorance: “If you can’t prove, by empirical science, that evolution is impossible, then it happened.” By empirical science alone, we can only prove probabilities. The probabilities show the Big-Bang-Billions-of-Years-No-Flood-Molecules-to-Man story to be a bazaar hypothesis, a story that is so improbable that it should not be considered. However, empirical science is not a tool that can prove anything to be true or false absolutely. For absolute proof, we have revelation. (See Basic and Concise Guide to Practical, Useful Logic and Reasoning). God says that He created everything. He is the One Who enforces the laws of nature. He is the One Who will judge all of us in the end. We know that because we know Him presonally through the indwelling Presence of Jesus Christ and the moment-by-moment instruction of the Holy Spirit.

Philip D: You understand that light takes time to travel, do you agree? [Philip is trying to make the point that the fact that stars are billions of light years away means that the light would have taken billions of years to get to Earth. You will see that this is not a good argument for Philip to bring up. What was not brought up is that the old-universers have an unsolvable light travel problem, but they just call it a mystery or an enigma and go on with their belief system.]

Bob: The light travel story that involves many arbitrary assumptions. One more example of the fact that every evidence for an old Earth or for evolution consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error.

Matthew T: What are you talking about Bob? Scientific theories are first hypothesized based on observations that scientists have; and then they are either proved or disproved by the EVIDENCE scientists find. Evolution has mountains of facts backing it up; find one example of something supporting evolution that is a made up story or irrational. Young earth creationism is a disproved hypothesis.

Matthew T: Well yours involves false assumptions, like light speed changing over time, which violates quantum physics and observable evidence.

Rick H: Matthew, look around you are things getting better or worse? Can you point to a scientifically observed animal that changed kinds through the evolutionary process? Or are you exercising blind faith in those stories told by modern day professors?

Philip D: Bob, do you dismiss the speed of light?

Bob: Don’t deny the speed of light, Philip, just made up stories about how the starlight got to the Earth and the arbitrary assumptions of Naturalism and the other arbitrary assumptions that are used to say that the Universe is over a few thousand years old.

Philip D: So you agree that when we see something in space that it takes time to reach us, correct?

Philip D: Do you agree?

Bob: Do you assume that during creation week God could not have had lots of time pass in one location while virtually no time passed in another location, either by natural or supernatural means? You see that this line of argument is another example of the fact that every evidence for an old Earth or for evolution consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error.

Philip D: Bob’s a troll, case closed. [The frustration of an Atheist troll who comes onto a Christian Facebook account and all his arguments are worthless in the light of God’s revelation!]

Bob: You prove the fact that every evidence for an old Earth or for evolution consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error.

Fixed Light: Ahh Horse#%@* Bob! [More frustration of an Atheist troll who comes onto a Christian Facebook account and all his arguments are worthless in the light of God’s revelation!]

Bob: Another irrational statement. A wonderful example of the fact that every evidence for an old Earth or for evolution consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error.

Joseph S: There is more evidence for evolution than any other theory in biology, including the cell theory. If there is no evolution, explain this: why do we have a coccyx and appendix?

Bob: There is a story told that claims that “there is more evidence for evolution than any other theory in biology; however, that story is a lie and one more example of the fact that every evidence for an old Earth or for evolution consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Those stories don’t hold up to scrutiny. Followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error.

Bob: Stories about supposed vestigial organs, such as the stories about the coccyx and appendix, are examples of the fact that every evidence for an old Earth or for evolution consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Those stories don’t hold up to scrutiny. Followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error.

CW: are u a stand-up comedian? couldn’t help laughing. thumbs up

CW:  do you know what it is called, when repeat a sermon and ritual over and over again until you believe it?

Bob: CW, do you mean the story of molecules-to-man evolution?

CW: not exactly. look at your copy and paste comments, maybe you get a glance of what i mean

Bob: CW, I too was surprised when God showed me that every error and every argument against Him was based on some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Then, He showed me that He reveals Himself and His Truth/Reality. I suppose it may be profound, but I think it is quite simple. And every statement made here confirms it.

CW: ok bob … with so much elaborated eloquence, profound knowledge and critcal thinking, i strike my flag

Bob: CW, all I have received from any ungodly troll here on this site has been some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. I am pointing out the obvious fact that every evidence for an old Earth or for evolution consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements, which ungodly people believe because they keep repeating them over and over again. Christ followers don’t follow such fables but we follow the Living Christ and we know Him by ongoing experience, not stories that are repeated continuously. Do you comprehend the vast difference between the fables of the ungodly and the reality of the follower of Christ?

Justin L: The fact that the earth was flat was once observable science.

Justin L: Then it was round. As proved by observable science. Get the picture?

Bob: Justin, what is your point?

Bart V: Justin L., No one before the 1830s believed that medieval people thought that the earth was flat.
The idea was established, almost contemporaneously, by a Frenchman and an American, between whom I have not been able to establish a connection, though they were both in Paris at the same time. One was Antoine-Jean Letronne (1787-1848), an academic of strong antireligious prejudices who had studied both geography and patristics and who cleverly drew upon both to misrepresent the church fathers and their medieval successors as believing in a flat earth, in his On the Cosmographical Ideas of the Church Fathers (1834). The American was no other than our beloved storyteller Washington Irving (1783-1859), who loved to write historical fiction under the guise of history. His misrepresentations of the history of early New York City and of the life of Washington were topped by his history of Christopher Columbus (1828). It was he who invented the indelible picture of the young Columbus, a “simple mariner,” appearing before a dark crowd of benighted inquisitors and hooded theologians at a council of Salamanca, all of whom believed, according to Irving, that the earth was flat like a plate. Well, yes, there was a meeting at Salamanca in 1491, but Irving’s version of it, to quote a distinguished modern historian of Columbus, was “pure moonshine. Washington Irving, scenting his opportunity for a picturesque and moving scene,” created a fictitious account of this “nonexistent university council” and “let his imagination go completely…the whole story is misleading and mischievous nonsense.”

Reyn K: Plate Tectonics proves the Earth is millions of years old, that there was no global flood and the genesis account of creation is a load of rubbish. [Plate tectonics proves no such thing.]

Bob: Reyn, the stories told about the observations of plate tectonics are stories. Stories can’t prove anything. Isn’t it funny that so many people build their entire lives on made-up stories when Jesus Christ will reveal reality to them if they will just turn to Him and stop being so stubborn and closed-minded toward Him and open-minded toward lies. [Note: The tectonic plate movement has been modeled during the period of the flood with all the violent volcanic activity. The plates would have been moving at about the pace of a fast walk. And this model fits the evidence much better than the Millions-of-Years model. The movement of the plates caused the mountains to rise up at the end of the flood and the valleys in the depths of what is now the oceans to sink down.]

CW: so you even deny plate tectonics and continental drift?

Bob: I don’t know of anyone who denies the observations related to plate tectonics or continental drift. There are several models/stories that are told about the observations. Those are just stories that attempt to explain the observations, and they tell very different tales.

Reyn K: The bible’s account of the origin of the Earth consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Those stories don’t hold up to scrutiny. [A desperate attempt to reverse Bob’s statements against himself. This tactic only works for reversible statements. The tactic doesn’t work at all in this case.]

Bob: Reyn, the Bible’s account of the origin of the Earth is revelation. The comparison between revelation and what ungodly people believe is the difference between truth and lies. All Scripture is breathed out by God, both when it was written and whenever it is read. People have been trying to shoot a hole it, at the direction of Satan, for thousands of years and have not been able to. The story you tell about the Bible being made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements is itself a made-up story and an outright lie. How do we know? Because of God’s holy Presence and His direct revelation to each of us that the Bible is His Word and that it is without error.

Eric D.K: Pretty sure that Bob’s Troll level is “Master” at this point. Am I the only one that noticed that? [More frustration, but who is the troll?]

Bob: Eric, So you tell a story that claims that ungodly people making caustic comments on a Christian’s facebook page is not trolling, but to state the obvious fact that “every evidence for an old Earth or for evolution consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements” is trolling, and to give testimony that “followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error” is trolling. That is an interesting story you tell.

Nean D: No one has the slightest physical evidence to support a historical Jesus; no artefacts, dwelling, works of carpentry, or self-written manuscripts. All claims about Jesus derive from writings of other people. There occurs no contemporary Roman record that shows Pontius Pilate executing a man named Jesus. Devastating to historians, there occurs not a single contemporary writing that mentions Jesus. All documents about Jesus came well after the life of the alleged Jesus from either: unknown authors, people who had never met an earthly Jesus, or from fraudulent, mythical or allegorical writings. [Note: Nean is making an attempt to switch the burden of proof; however, it ignores the fact that we believe not because of physical evidence but because God leads us moment by moment. In logic, an argument like this is called an argument from ignorance. It is irrational]

Bob: Nean, better check your historical facts and also find out about irrational arguments from ignorance. Every evidence for an old Earth or for evolution consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Those stories don’t hold up to scrutiny. Followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error.

Nean D: Hearsay does not work as evidence because we have no way of knowing whether the person lied, or simply based his or her information on wrongful belief or bias. We know from history about witchcraft trials and kangaroo courts that hearsay provides neither reliable nor fair statements of evidence. We know that mythology can arise out of no good information whatsoever. We live in a world where many people believe in demons, UFOs, ghosts, or monsters, and an innumerable number of fantasies believed as fact taken from nothing but belief and hearsay. It derives from these reasons why hearsay cannot serves [sic] as good evidence, and the same reasoning must go against the claims of a historical Jesus or any other historical person.

Don T: Nean, the Roman Governor Pliny mentions Christians gathering on a particular day of the week, before dawn, singing hyms to Jesus “as unto a God.” The Roman historian Tacitus mentions Jesus in the connection with the great fire of Rome and how Nero blamed the Christians for it. He then explains that they were named for a Christ who was crucified under Pontius Pilate. The Jewish historian Josephus mentions Jesus, Suetonius mentions Jesus, the Jewish rabbinic traditions mention Jesus as well as other ancient writings.

Don T: The uniformity of the early church is that Matthew (a disciple), John Mark ( a colleague of Peter, also a disciple), Luke ( a historian and companion of Paul), and either John the apostle (likely) or John the elder wrote the gospels. [Don T. is very knowledgeable, but evidence has no effect on a dogmatic Atheist.]

Nean D: Don…they were All written well after the time of the supposed Jesus. They are Not Eyewitness accounts.

Nean D: Authors of ancient history today, of course, can only write from indirect observation in a time far removed from their aim. But a valid historian’s own writing gets cited with sources that trace to the subject themselves, or to eyewitnesses and artefacts [sic]. For example, a historian today who writes about the life of George Washington, of course, cannot serve as an eyewitness, but he can provide citations to documents which give personal or eyewitness accounts. None of the historians about Jesus give reliable sources to eyewitnesses, therefore all we have remains as hearsay.

Bob: Nean, You bring up a fourth option I had not mentioned. Misrepresentation of facts. That and an irrational argument from ignorance. Also, note that followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error.

Nean D: Belief cannot produce historical fact, and claims that come from nothing but hearsay do not amount to an honest attempt to get at the facts. Even with eyewitness accounts we must tread carefully. Simply because someone makes a claim, does not mean it represents reality. For example, consider some of the bogus claims that supposedly come from many eyewitness accounts of alien extraterrestrials and their space craft. They not only assert eyewitnesses but present blurry photos to boot! If we can question these accounts, then why should we not question claims that come from hearsay even more? Moreover, consider that the hearsay comes from ancient and unknown people that no longer live. [Nean uses a strawman argument here, saying the “Belief cannot produce historical fact.” If this is what Christ-followers did, trying to make belief produce fact, then he would have a point. However, he is setting up a straw man so he can knock it down. Revelation is not belief, but faith comes by revelation. That is quite different and Nean doesn’t want to argue against that, so he persists in setting up this phony straw man.]

Bob: Nean, The way to understand history is by revelation from God Who cannot lie. There is no artifact or evidence that refutes what God says about history through His Scripture. None. Every evidence against God consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, irrational thinking, or outright misrepresentations.

Daniel D: And even if we did have direct eyewitness accounts of Jesus and his life that matched up perfectly with the Gospel accounts, all we could then say for certain is that a historical Jesus lived, for which there is now only circumstantial evidence, and that the Gospels are historically accurate. The people of his age, however, were prone to see miracles in all sorts of different places. It was an age when emperors were deified when they died. So none of that would serve as evidence for his divine claims. [Daniel follows the same dead end that Nean ran down.]

Bob: Daniel, You have brought up a good point, which just substantiates the fact that every evidence against God consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, irrational thinking, or outright misrepresentations. However, we, who follow Christ, do not follow cleverly designed fables and stories, fabrications of our minds. We follow the living Christ, the God Who is holding everything together and enforcing the laws of nature moment by moment. He is the One Who reveals Himself to anyone who seeks Him in sincerity and Who must execute righteous judgement against those who do evil and who refuse to come to Him.

Nean D: Unfortunately, belief and faith substitute as knowledge in many people’s minds and nothing, even direct evidence thrust on the feet of their claims, could possibly change their minds. We have many stories, myths and beliefs of a Jesus but if we wish to establish the facts of history, we cannot even begin to put together a knowledgeable account without at least a few reliable eyewitness accounts.

Bob: Thank you Nean for one more example of that fact that every evidence against God consists of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, irrational thinking, or outright misrepresentations. On the other hand is actual empirical evidence, that is by evidence by experience. Every person who follows Christ is led by Him. They all hear His Voice. This is reality, not made-up stories.

Nean D: Bob….I wasn’t referring to “evidence against gods” I am referring to the evidence for the Biblical Jesus. Stop trying to twist my words. It is Dishonest. You still have not provided Any evidence for your Mythical Jesus. [This was just silly on Nean’s part and best ignored.]

Nean D: So to Conclude, if you hear anyone who claims to have evidence for a witness of a historical Jesus, simply ask for the author’s birth date. Anyone whose birth occurred after an event cannot serve as an eyewitness, nor can their words alone serve as evidence for that event.

Bob: Nean, you would have to supply more than just made-up stories, irrational statements like arguments from ignorance, outright lies, and arbitrary assumptions. The story that Jesus is a belief is among these stories and assumptions. Our faith is not like your make-belief pseudofaith. It is a supernatural belief and trust that comes when God speaks. This is why this kind of faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Accepting the revelation that comes from Jesus Christ in real time is building on the Rock. In other words, our evidence is that which comes by God speaking to us.

Matthew T: Bob the bible is [sic] stories ignorant sand dwellers thought up because they didn’t know how the world worked [This is an outright lie.]

Bob: Thank you, Matthew, for a great example of the “The Bible is made up” story. What you said is like every statement made against God or His Scripture. They all consist of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, outright lies, or irrational statements. Followers of Christ follow Christ Himself. He speaks to them and leads them. He reveals to them that the Bible is His Word without error. So, it’s made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, outright lies, and irrational statements opposed to revelation from the Almighty God Who cannot lie.

Ameet S: Bible is a book without ERROR?!? Consider this: According to the Old Testament, the Chinese DO NOT exist! For that matter, **I** don’t exist according to your bible, and neither did any of my Subcontinental ancestors. Do you willfully deny the existence of 20,000 years worth of Native Americans? This just reveals your latent racism, Bob, and the inherent racism of Christianity in general. The Bible doesn’t even acknowledge the existence of the Cherokee, Seminole, Navajo, or Comanche Nations. If you bother to make a trip to the museums or collections of the great Indian Nations, those peoples will be more than happy to show you the evidence of their continuous existence in the Americas w/o any interruption in their baby-making by a flood — they have the hotel receipts! Here is one of my favorite sites on the Web, explaining human migration and colonization of Earth w/ verified archaeologic evidence. It doesn’t matter if you don’t accept evolutionary science, Bob. This site proves the bible is a bunch of #%@* just from what is KNOWN HISTORY. It tells a far more wondrous story than any moronic Genesis account. Enjoy! [Just a weird argument!]

Bob: That’s a fantastic story, Ameet. I enjoy these examples. They confirm that every attack against God and His Scripture is dependent on some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, outright lies, or irrational statements. Those who follow Christ, on the other hand, don’t follow cleverly designed fables and stories or fabrications from their minds, but they follow the Living Christ. Christ is not a theory. He is a Person Who reveals Himself to anyone who sincerely comes to Him in humble submission.

Ameet S: Okay then Bob, I guess you have willingly and lovingly embraced the description of racist and deemed it accurate of you.

Bob: Ameet, there are no races according to God. The only race is the human race. Racism is an evolution/atheist concept. Now, you can see what I meant when I said, “…every attack against God and His Scripture is dependent on some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, outright lies, or irrational statements. Those who follow Christ, on the other hand, don’t follow cleverly designed fables and stories or fabrications from their minds, but they follow the Living Christ. Christ is not a theory. He is a Person Who reveals Himself to anyone who sincerely comes to Him in humble submission.” Your last comment would fall either under the category of an outright lie or else an irrational statement.

Ameet S: You deny that Native Americans existed. You deny that they had any type of valuable, spiritually fulfilling lives. That makes you inherently racist. BTW, Christian missionaries are far more racist than any other atheists I have ever met.

Bob: We are all one race, and God commands that we all love each other. This is what is known as the Law of God. That kind of love is humanly impossible, but through Christ it is possible. That is what God reveals to us. People who believe in race are racist and they don’t believe God. Every argument against Jesus Christ is based firmly upon irrational statements, outright lies, made-up stories, or arbitrary assumptions.

Meister O: Ignorance on a level such as yours is dooming the human race. Your “God” is no different than the thousands which came before it. If you haven’t been diagnosed as clinically psychotic, please seek professional help. [Personal attacks are a sign that the Atheist has nothing of substance. Everything they bring up is some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, outright lies, or irrational statements.]

Sean S: lol, Bob, repeating the same thing over and over doesn’t make it true – racism comes from athiesm/evolution??? really Bob??? Ur bible is a pretty racist book at heart – the jews are the chosen race in your book remember? not any other? that, to me, is pretty racist

Bob: Meister and Sean. It must be quite disconcerting to find out that there is no thought against God or the Bible that didn’t consist of some combination of made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. The history of Scripture shows that God puts His salvation out for everyone, but they won’t come, so He works with those who will come to try to reach those who won’t come. Making up a different story from this just presents one more example of a made-up story. As to repetition, some people need repetition to get it.


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