Biblical Error
Don’t fall for fabricated stories (evolutionism, old-Earthism, big-bangism, relativism, bibilcal-erroism, etc.) that are based on arbitrary assumptions (naturalism, materialism, uniformitarianism) and rationalizations. Let them show them to be true. They cannot. They can blow a lot of smoke, but they can’t show them to be true.
The term, “arbitrary assumptions,” is actually an over-simplification. These three arbitrary assumptions have morphed into a worldview, or paradigm. A worldview/paradigm is a fake reality that becomes more real than real reality to the person who sees life through the filter of the worldview. Worldviews tend to be shared. The current shared worldview in the scientific community is that of naturalism/materialism/uniformitarianism. All data that conflicts with the worldview is disallowed and must be either discarded, discredited, or explained away. This creates something called confirmation bias. So all observations are used to confirm the current worldview–this is true even when the observations absolutely destroy the worldview, which is confirmation bias. Currently, the naturalism/materialism/uniformitarianism worldview struggles against reality, yet it is defended vigorously to the point that people who question it are persecuted, lose jobs, miss promotions or tenure, etc. Unfortunately, this same false worldview has crept into society at large and even into churches. Two of the assumptions include the assumption that God doesn’t exist and the other one assumes that the great catastrophic flood of Noah never happened, which is why it is so destructive to the church. Many people have become so hypnotized into this worldview that hearing anything that conflicts with the worldview is jarring to them. They can hardly believe that there are people who are not captivated by the no-God, no-Flood worldview. However, this worldview is a lie. You will even run into Christians who are totally under the direction of this massive lie.
The simple way:
Every evidence that is used against God consists of made-up stories (lies), arbitrary assumptions (lies), or irrational statements (insanity). We have not followed cleverly designed made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Rather, we follow the Living Christ, Who leads us and speaks the Utterances of absolute, genuine fullness of Life to us.
Whatever they come back with will consist of made-up stories (lies), arbitrary assumptions (lies), or irrational statements (insanity). This is true whether they say “Evolution is science,” “There is no God,” “God doesn’t speak to you,” “You are stupid,” “You don’t understand science,” “I don’t have enough evidence to believe,” “There is no evidence for God,” “The Bible has errors,” or any other thing, so just say some variation of the following:
Thank you for providing an excellent example: Every evidence that is used against God consists of made-up stories (lies), arbitrary assumptions (lies), or irrational statements (insanity). We have not followed cleverly designed made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Rather, we follow the Living Christ, Who leads us and speaks the Utterances of absolute, genuine fullness of Life to us. (example using this on an blog)
The more complex way:
Over about 2,000 years every possible attack on the Bible has been launched, answered, and defeated. Every error has been an error on the part of a skeptic. What proof, without assumption, or rationalization, have you personally seen that the fabricated story of errors in the Bible is actually true?
“Whatever they have proposed” is just one more fabricated story just like the molecules-to-man-evolution, old-Earthism, big-bang, relativism, natural-human-goodness, biblical-error stories, that are made up to explain creation without the Creator and that are based on rationalizations and arbitrary assumptions like naturalism (no God), materialism (no God), uniformitarianism (no Flood) as opposed to real ongoing experience of being led by Jesus, the Creator.
Why be so gullible to believe made-up stories instead of experience of being led by Christ?
You take the attitude that if there are any assumptions that can be made that would throw a bad light on the Bible, then you will make those assumptions and defend them. However, they are just assumptions or rationalizations and have no basis in fact. Assumptions cannot be used to prove anything and you can rationalize anything.
Your sources of information depend on fabricated stories like molecules-to-man-evolution, old-Earthism, big-bang, relativism, natural-human-goodness, biblical-error stories that are made up to explain creation without the Creator and that are based on rationalizations and arbitrary assumptions like naturalism (no God), materialism (no God), uniformitarianism (no Flood). To go beyond made up stories, try CMI, ICR, and AIG. (You may choose to add some other sources of information of this subject–If you can use a search engine, you can find an answer to any question proposed by any skeptic and you will find that the skeptic made the error, not the Bible.)
Turn about is fair play. They may ask you what proof, without assumption, or rationalization, you have seen for Bible accuracy. They may accuse you of believing the Bible is accurate because it says it is accurate (this would be circular reasoning). That’s not why you believe the Bible to be accurate.
Jesus said, “My sheep hear My Voice.” He speaks to me and to every person who follows Him. We know the Bible is the Word of God without error, not by stories based on arbitrary assumptions and rationalizations but by Revelation. This Revelation is directly revealed to me through various means by the Holy Spirit. This is a case of Revelation versus blind make-believe-faith in fabricated stories that are based on arbitrary assumptions and rationalizations.
They may ask what those means are.
God speaks to me in my innermost soul/mind through Scripture, creation, (list the various means by which God speaks to you, a word of wisdom, word of knowledge, prophecy, dreams, visions, etc.) This is a case of revelation versus blind make-believe-faith in fabricated stories that are based on arbitrary assumptions and rationalizations. (some caveats about hearing God’s Voice)
They will say that you are not experiencing what you are experiencing.
What proof, without assumption, or rationalization, have you personally seen that makes you think that I’m not experiencing what I’m experiencing?
They will not be able to give a rational answer.
So you are so dogmatic about your blind make-believe-faith in fabricated stories that are based on arbitrary assumptions and rationalizations, so much so that evidence has no effect on you, you just dismiss it without investigation. That is dogmatism.