All of these fabricated stories (evolutionism, old-Earthism, big-bangism, relativism, bibilcal-erroism, etc.) that are based on arbitrary assumptions (naturalism, materialism, uniformitarianism) and rationalizations are without any basis. If you poke at them, they crumble. They are lies.
The term, “arbitrary assumptions,” is actually an over-simplification. These three arbitrary assumptions have morphed into a worldview, or paradigm. A worldview/paradigm is a fake reality that becomes more real than real reality to the person who sees life through the filter of the worldview. Worldviews tend to be shared. The current shared worldview in the scientific community is that of naturalism/materialism/uniformitarianism. All data that conflicts with the worldview is disallowed and must be either discarded, discredited, or explained away. This creates something called confirmation bias. So all observations are used to confirm the current worldview–this is true even when the observations absolutely destroy the worldview, which is confirmation bias. Currently, the naturalism/materialism/uniformitarianism worldview struggles against reality, yet it is defended vigorously to the point that people who question it are persecuted, lose jobs, miss promotions or tenure, etc. Unfortunately, this same false worldview has crept into society at large and even into churches. Two of the assumptions include the assumption that God doesn’t exist and the other one assumes that the great catastrophic flood of Noah never happened, which is why it is so destructive to the church. Many people have become so hypnotized into this worldview that hearing anything that conflicts with the worldview is jarring to them. They can hardly believe that there are people who are not captivated by the no-God, no-Flood worldview. However, this worldview is a lie. You will even run into Christians who are totally under the direction of this massive lie.
The simple way:
Every evidence that is used against God consists of made-up stories (lies), arbitrary assumptions (lies), or irrational statements (insanity). We have not followed cleverly designed made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Rather, we follow the Living Christ, Who leads us and speaks the Utterances of absolute, genuine fullness of Life to us.
Whatever they come back with will consist of made-up stories (lies), arbitrary assumptions (lies), or irrational statements (insanity). This is true whether they say “Evolution is science,” “There is no God,” “God doesn’t speak to you,” “You are stupid,” “You don’t understand science,” “I don’t have enough evidence to believe,” “There is no evidence for God,” “The Bible has errors,” or any other thing, so just say some variation of the following:
Thank you for providing an excellent example: Every evidence that is used against God consists of made-up stories (lies), arbitrary assumptions (lies), or irrational statements (insanity). We have not followed cleverly designed made-up stories, arbitrary assumptions, or irrational statements. Rather, we follow the Living Christ, Who leads us and speaks the Utterances of absolute, genuine fullness of Life to us. (example using this on an blog)
The more complex way:
What convinces you of the truth of the fabricated stories, like molecules-to-man-evolution, old-Earthism, big-bang, relativism, natural-human-goodness, biblical-error stories that are made up to explain creation without the Creator and that are based on rationalizations and arbitrary assumptions like naturalism (no God), materialism (no God), uniformitarianism (no Flood) as opposed to real experience of being led by Jesus, the Creator?
They will come up with something, but they will have personally seen no proof that it actually happened. They will not come up with anything that makes sense. They will probably tell a story about how some part of it might have happened or how some obvious problem with the evolution story is not a problem by some rationalization.
Don’t get side-tracked into a “’tis so-’tis not,” argument. Focus on proof that it actually happened, that it actually took place. They may ask you what evidence would be acceptible to prove evolution.
The best: you personally witnessed the entire thing. 2nd best: someone totally trustworthy, like God, witnessed the whole thing and told you. 3rd best: circumstantial evidence that can’t also be used to prove what God says. Millions of transitions, millions of very small steps, between every kind of animal so that no distinctions exist between taxonomic families.
They may come up with a story that they have observed evolution in the present but the entire process is just to slow to watch. This is an argument without evidence, and it is a way to cause confusion using two of the meanings of the word, evolution. See In Search Of A Mechanism For Evolution. The fact that no information is ever added to anything by random processes is key to understand. They will claim that it is. The story they tell is that duplication happens, then mutation changes the duplicated DNA and natural selection selects for it. Answer briefly and then proceed. Example: “That’s just a story based on imagination. Mutation has never been observed to create new information which would be necessary for molecules-to-man evolution. Mutation never creates new information. It always destroys information.” Then continue:
So you have personally seen no proof that the fabricated story of molecules-to-man evolution ever actually happened, but you have blind make-believe-faith in some book or person. You have blind make-believe-faith in fabricated stories, like molecules-to-man-evolution, old-Earthism, big-bang, relativism, natural-human-goodness, biblical-error stories that are made up to explain creation without the Creator and that are based on rationalizations and arbitrary assumptions like naturalism (no God), materialism (no God), uniformitarianism (no Flood) as opposed to real experience of being led by Jesus, the Creator?
Ask them this question:
“The kinds of animals are probably roughly the same as a families, like dogs: collies, wolves, foxes or cats, kitties, lions, tigers. Can you give any examples of one kind of animal turning into another kind of animal?”
They will come up with some answer. It will not be conclusive, absolute proof or even compelling evidence.
So you haven’t even heard or read about any conclusive proof that the fabricated story of molecules-to-man evolution ever actually happened. This is just something that you prefer to believe by blind make-believe-faith. You have blind make-believe-faith in fabricated stories that are based on arbitrary assumptions and rationalizations.
Turn about is fair play. They may ask you what conclusive, absolute proof you have personally seen for creation.
Your sources of information depend on fabricated stories like molecules-to-man-evolution, old-Earthism, big-bang, relativism, natural-human-goodness, biblical-error stories that are made up to explain creation without the Creator and that are based on rationalizations and arbitrary assumptions like naturalism (no God), materialism (no God), uniformitarianism (no Flood). To go beyond made up stories, try CMI, ICR, and AIG.
All these things have been answered. You can’t find the answers on Atheist apologists. You have to go to Christian apologists to get the other side. Try CMI, ICR, and AIG.
Jesus said, “My sheep hear My Voice.” He speaks to every person who follows Him. We know, not by stories based on arbitrary assumptions and rationalizations but by revelation. The proof that I have personally seen is directly revealed to me through various means by the Holy Spirit. Revelation versus blind make-believe-faith in fabricated stories that are based on arbitrary assumptions and rationalizations.
They may ask what those means are.
God speaks to me in my innermost soul/mind through Scripture, creation, (list the various means by which God speaks to you, a word of wisdom, word of knowledge, prophecy, dreams, visions, etc.) This is a case of revelation versus blind make-believe-faith in fabricated stories that are based on arbitrary assumptions and rationalizations. (some caveats about hearing God’s Voice)
They will say that you are not experiencing what you are experiencing.
What proof, without assumption, or rationalization, have you personally seen that makes you think that I’m not experiencing what I’m experiencing?
Your claim that I and millions of Christians are not experiencing what we are experiencing is just one more fabricated story just like the molecules-to-man-evolution, old-Earthism, big-bang, relativism, natural-human-goodness, biblical-error stories, that are made up to explain creation without the Creator and that are based on rationalizations and arbitrary assumptions like naturalism (no God), materialism (no God), uniformitarianism (no Flood) as opposed to real ongoing experience of being led by Jesus, the Creator.
They will not be able to give a rational answer.
They will want to drag this out, but just return to your first question in every response. Answer briefly and tag it to the bottom. Pray about it. If the Holy Spirit lets you know you are casting pearls before swine, do what the Holy Spirit leads you to do.
They will want to establish scientism–only natural science is allowed. This is a demand that naturalism and scientism are the only ways to find truth. If they go there, they are changing the subject. Note that they are changing the subject and ask the same questions. See Scientism/Naturalism.
(Read the latest science on the subject: Without Excuse by Werner Gitt, a description of the scientific Laws of Universal Information. See also: Information Theory Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. Here is another interesting article.) More is constantly being learned about information and about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Evolutionists tend to hide in the weeds of the unknown with an argument from ignorance: “If you can’t prove, by empirical science, that evolution is impossible, then it happened.” By empirical science alone, we can only prove probabilities. The probabilities show the Big-Bang-Billions-of-Years-No-Flood-Molecules-to-Man story to be a bazaar hypothesis, a story that is so improbable that it should not be considered. However, empirical science is not a tool that can prove anything to be true or false absolutely. For absolute proof, we have revelation. (See Basic and Concise Guide to Practical, Useful Logic and Reasoning). God says that He created everything. He is the One Who enforces the laws of nature. He is the One Who will judge all of us in the end. We know that because we know Him presonally through the indwelling Presence of Jesus Christ and the moment-by-moment instruction of the Holy Spirit.