The Three Classical Laws of Logic

Warning! These are so obviously true that some people can’t grasp them.

The Three Classical Laws of Logic:

  1. The Law of Identity: every thing is the same with itself and different from another. (A is A and not ~A.)
    1. The word, “be,” has a meaning different from the phrase, “not be.”
    2. The word, “isn’t,” has a meaning different from the word, “is.”
    3. You are who you are and not someone or something else.
    4. God is God. As He puts it, “I am that I am.”
  2. The Law of Non-Contradiction: no statement can be both true and false at the same time and in the same sense.
    1. God either exists or not.
    2. God either created the Heavens and the Earth in six days or He did not.
  3. The Law of Excluded Middle:
    1. If any two positions are truly mutually exclusive, then there is no middle ground.
    2. God either exists or not, and there is no middle ground.
    3. God either created the Heavens and the Earth in six days or He did not, and there is no middle ground.

Problem! Some people deny these laws. Most people violate them when they speak and think.


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