Irrational Responses

It is the proclamation of the Gospel, not argumentation, that transforms minds. See Give Them the Gospel.

We find people who say something like this: “The only way we can know anything about anything is by that which we can observe in the material world by scientific method, but that which we now know by scientific method through such observation may be shown to be false in the future.”

We find people who say something like this: “We have no explanation at all for the origin of life, but just wait–we may find some explanation in the future.  Who knows?” This constitutes an appeal to the unknown. It is irrational. God is always rational. Yet, these people ask us to allow them to be our guides to knowing the “truth” according to them.

We find people who say something like this: “The only way we can know anything about anything is by using explanations that leave God out of the picture.  We declare by the authority of human ability to declare things that belief in God is irrational.  Therefore, we define science as that which has no knowledge of God.”   They have stacked the deck against the very idea of God. Their declaration against the belief in God is, in fact, irrational [insane]. It is the error known as declaring a universal negative.

The reason that people become irrational [insane] is because they do not want to do God’s will.



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