Worldviews and Assumptions


Every person has a worldview. A worldview is a conception of reality. It’s an idea in the mind of the entirety of what exists. Sometimes, people speak of the worldview as if it were real reality when it’s only a fake reality. They’ll say something like, “Every person has his or her own reality.” They’ll say, “There are no absolutes.” What they mean is that every person has his or her own FAKE reality, and the FAKE reality is a filter that makes it very difficult to determine the difference between reality and make-believe.

The worldview is a problem, since each person’s own worldview seems, to that person, to be real reality. In fact, it seems more real than real reality. It filters out observations and experiences that don’t fit into the worldview. The worldview is the main way that humans interpret observations and experiences, and the main way that theologians interpret the meaning of Scripture. Worldviews distort reality.

Worldviews are built up slowly over time from the previous interpretations of observations and experiences. When experiences and observations conflict, those experiences or observations areĀ altered to fit the existing worldview. This confirms the worldview (confirmation bias). Then, the worldview becomes even more deceptive. It hardens the heart, the innermost mind. Only the Holy Spirit can overcome this.

Assumptions come out of worldviews, so the assumptions seem to be obviously true to the person who holds the worldview. When group think is as work, as in the Secularistic scientific community or in a denominational setting, the illusion of reality becomes stronger and the confirmation bias is more mind-numbing.

When someone enters with a differing worldview, there’s a clash of worldviews. Two sides (often, both wrong) are brought together. Since the worldviews seem–to their holders–to be reality itself, any conflict appears to be an inability, of the opposing person, to deal with reality as it really is. Yet, basing thought on worldviews is truly a house of cards. There’s no foundation for thought. Everything is based on made-up stuff.

Atheists and other kinds of Secularists (unbelievers) have a difficult problem in that they refuse to acknowledge God. The only way out of their terrible problem is to yield to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to begin revealing true reality to them. This is known as “walking in the Spirit.” It’s accomplished by acknowledging God as He leads and teaches and allowing Him to direct our paths. It’s only available through Jesus Christ, the enemy of Secularism.

Dogma-based Christians are in a similar fix. They’ve ceased from allowing Christ to be their one Foundation. They now take their own worldview (theology) as foundation for thought. This filters out any correction that the Holy Spirit may be offering. Often, they will even deny that the Holy Spirit must teach and lead in this way. They will say things like, “God gave us an intelligently designed mind and we’re supposed to use it.” The human intellect becomes a competing god, an idol with which they commit spiritual adultery.

The trouble with the “independent mind” theory is that any interpretation of Scripture, observation, or experience (experiment) requires that information is added to the Scripture, the observation, or the experience. Where does that information come from? There are only three possible sources: God, the fallen human mind making stuff up, or demonic forces making stuff up. That’s it. There are no other options. If we refuse to seek the Lord our God but, rather, lean on our own understandings, we’re going to be in the hands of our own corrupt minds or demons.

On the other hand, God freely gives us of Himself. He imparts His glory to whoever desires it. He’s the only source of all love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, meekness, faith, inner strength, knowledge, understanding, or wisdom (righteousness, holiness, and freedom).


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