Satan will try to get you working for God when grace isn’t working through you to do the works.
Tuesday’s Featured FREE Book: “Your Metamorphosis”
Download it FREE here:
By the way, I’m working on a new learning system about how to talk about Jesus without getting into arguments.
Satan will try to get you working for God when grace isn’t working through you to do the works.
(Quote from
Satan’s Tricks
Satan will try to convince you that faith is something faith is not. The liar will say faith is belief WITHOUT evidence when faith IS the evidence. Some deceived Christians will say faith is belief BASED ON evidence when faith IS the evidence.
The world and demons will try to convince you that you can get faith some other way. Your soul’s enemy doesn’t want you listening to God’s voice in willing submission and deep respect. Someone may claim you have to do works of piety to get faith. Demonic voices will try to get you to use your intellect, emotion, knowledge, observation, common sense, or something else to get faith. None of that works.
The enemy will say faith is belief, but you have to presuppose God exists, and you have to presuppose the Bible is God’s word without error. You don’t have to presuppose anything. God reveals He exists. He makes it so plain to you that you know by divine revelation. The same for the Bible. God shows you the Bible is His word without error. He doesn’t have to prove it to you. He tells you. His Word to you is proof. You don’t have to presuppose God’s revelation or figure it out.
Don’t fall for Satan’s tricks. Don’t be deceived.
Tuesday’s Featured FREE Book: “Your Metamorphosis”
Download it FREE here:
By the way, I’m working on a new learning system about how to talk about Jesus without getting into arguments.