Question-Based Conversational Soul Winning

Everything you need to start your group.

Download the Entire Course Now

Question-Based Conversational Soul Winning Question-Based Conversational Soul Winning Question-Based Conversational Soul Winning Question-Based Conversational Soul Winning Question-Based Conversational Soul Winning

Download the Entire Course Now

Learn  to Win Souls without Memorizing a Canned Pitch

Because of the frustration of doing what doesn’t work, many Christians have just stopped trying to bring others to Christ. This is different. This works in today’s culture. Take a look at the new class. Learn how to talk about Jesus without getting into arguments. We’ve been taught ways that don’t work.

Everything You Need

  • Any size group (two or more)
  • Any age (child to adult)
  • How to start a group
  • How to lead a group
  • Everything you need for every group member

Initial Setup for Every Participant

Set up a binder for yourself. Do this whether you are running the group or any group member. Follow the instructions below.

Download the course.

Unzip the files and print the five files listed below. Save all the files, including the 21 role-playing session booklets, in your Documents folder. Make a Soul-Winning folder in your Documents folder on your computer. Create five tabbed sections representing five booklets and put them in this order: Secrets,  Belts and Levels, Core Exercises, Role-Playing Suggestions, and Current Session. Punch the pages and put them into a binder. To begin with, only print these booklets:

  • Secrets
  • Belts and Levels
  • Core Exercises
  • Role-Playing Suggestions
  • Question-Based Conversational Soul Winning Book 1

Added Benefits

It will take you several weeks to complete Question-Based Conversational Soul Winning Book 1 (one). You have a total of 21 role-playing session book. Print, punch, and work through them one by one. When you complete the first book of sessions, remove book 1 (one) from your binder. Then, print, punch, and insert book 2 (two).

This extensive course provides in-depth skills that you can also apply to the following:

  • management
  • conflict resolution
  • sales
  • negotiation
  • marriage
  • any area of life that involves communication.

This course gives you the exercises to gain skills that other books and classes teach in theory. It draws from many sources and combines the methods into a single course.

Initial Required Reading


Read (STUDY) the Secrets booklet. Make sure you understand it.

Awards and Setup

Belts and Levels

Review the Belts and Levels booklet and decide whether (and how) you would implement this program to mark progress for those involved. Certificate files are included in the download.

sample certificate


Find a section titled SUGGESTIONS FOR ORGANIZATION inside the Belts and Levels booklet. Name your group. Then, decide how you want to govern your group. Read about how to run your role-playing sessions. Try some of the ideas for recruiting group members.

Core Exercises

Skim through the core exercises. These are the exercises that will repeat with each session book from 1 to 21.

Role-Playing Suggestions

Look through the role-playing suggestions. The possible scenarios are endless. You may be involved in a conversation you would like to role-play for an exercise. Feel free to add to these suggestions.

You may have a group of very young children. If you feel these role-playing suggestions are too hard for them, create your own and share them on the Facebook discussion group. Remember that the secular (atheist) school system begins indoctrinating the children from four years old.

Facebook Discussion Group

Join the discussion on the Facebook Question-Based Conversational Soul Winning group. ( This group will help you get the best use out of the Question-Based Conversational Soul Winning course. Because of the nature of the course, you could recreate or modify any part of the course in a word document. The author is allowing that. If you modify any of the materials for this course, you can post your modifications on the Facebook group so others can benefit.

Added Materials


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