The Holy Spirit will continue to refine your spiritual senses as you walk with Him into maturity.

The Holy Spirit will continue to refine your spiritual senses as you walk with Him into maturity.

The Holy Spirit will continue to refine your spiritual senses as you walk with Him into maturity.

Tuesday’s Featured FREE Book: “Your Metamorphosis”
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Pastors, teachers, and leaders, take a look at the new learning system about how to talk about Jesus without getting into arguments. We’ve been taught ways that don’t work. Because of the frustration of doing what doesn’t work, many Christians have just stopped trying to bring others to Christ. This is different. No lie can stand up to the Light.

The Holy Spirit will continue to refine your spiritual senses as you walk with Him into maturity. You’ll more easily know the difference between good and evil as you continue to follow the Truth up the Pathway toward the Life. The deceivers will find it harder to deceive you.
(Quote from

The Holy Spirit will continue to refine your spiritual senses as you walk with Him into maturity. You’ll more easily know the difference between good and evil as you continue to follow the Truth up the Pathway toward the Life. The deceivers will find it harder to deceive you.

You find one important example of the pattern God has provided in God’s order for worship.

When you may come together, each has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification. . . . you are all able to prophesy one by one ~ 1 Corinthians 1:26 & 31

Each member has a psalm, teaching, revelation, tongue, interpretation, or prophecy. While the 26th verse is a key verse, let the Holy Spirit speak to you about it and show you how it fits into the entire chapter. The church service isn’t a place of entertainment. It’s not something you watch. You are a ministry in that service, and God has given you the task of building up your brother and sister in Christ. In this place of ministry, you develop your spiritual senses. God is now working to awaken the church to His ways. Most churches don’t allow you to follow the pattern of Scripture. This continues because most Christians are still looking for a comfortable place to be a little religious without dying to the sinful flesh. And yet, God is asking you to break out of the forms, rituals, and entertainments of the past.

Tuesday’s Featured FREE Book: “Your Metamorphosis”
Download it FREE here:

Pastors, teachers, and leaders, take a look at the new learning system about how to talk about Jesus without getting into arguments. We’ve been taught ways that don’t work. Because of the frustration of doing what doesn’t work, many Christians have just stopped trying to bring others to Christ. This is different. No lie can stand up to the Light.

Posted in Uncategorized.

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